Heavenly Hunks Recipe: A Deliciously Easy Treat

3 min


Calling all oat lovers and chocoholics! Today, we’re diving into the delightful world of Heavenly Hunks, those chewy, satisfying bites of heaven. But fear not, you don’t have to rely on store-bought treats to enjoy this deliciousness. We’re going to whip up a batch of homemade Heavenly Hunks that are ridiculously easy to make and taste insanely good.

Gather your Heavenly Hunk Arsenal:

Here’s what you’ll need to create your own masterpiece:

  • The Oat Base:
    • 2 1/3 cups rolled oats (divided)
    • 1/2 cup unsweetened shredded coconut
  • The Binding Brigade:
    • 1/3 cup honey
    • 1/2 cup coconut oil
  • The Sweet Symphony:
    • 1/4 cup arrowroot powder (or substitute with cornstarch)
    • 1 tablespoon coconut flour (optional)
    • ¼ cup coconut sugar (or brown sugar)
    • 1/4 teaspoon Himalayan salt (or any sea salt)
  • The Chocolatey Crown Jewel:
    • 1/2 cup chocolate chips (dark, semi-sweet, or chopped chocolate – your choice!)

Pro Tip: If you’re feeling adventurous, you can add in other mix-ins like chopped nuts, dried fruit, or even peanut butter chips!

Let’s Get Baking!

  1. Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C) and line an 8×8 inch baking pan with parchment paper. This will make cleanup a breeze!
  2. In a small saucepan, warm up the honey and coconut oil over low heat. Keep stirring until everything is melted and happy, then take it off the heat and let it cool down a bit.
  3. Time to make some oat flour! Grab 1/3 cup of your rolled oats and toss them into a food processor or blender. Blitz it up until you have a fine flour consistency. Add this oat flour to a large mixing bowl.
  4. Add the remaining rolled oats, shredded coconut, arrowroot powder (or cornstarch), coconut flour (if using), coconut sugar, and salt to the bowl with your oat flour. Give it all a good mix with a spoon or spatula.
  5. Now, pour in the cooled honey and coconut oil mixture. Stir it all together until everything is evenly incorporated.
  6. Last but not least, fold in those glorious chocolate chips! We want them evenly distributed throughout the Heavenly Hunk dough.
  7. Pour the batter into your prepared baking pan and press it down firmly with a spoon or spatula to make sure it’s evenly packed.
  8. Bake your Heavenly Hunks for 15-20 minutes, or until the edges are golden brown and the center is set.
  9. Take that masterpiece out of the oven and let it cool completely in the pan. This is important, we don’t want any crumbly messes!
  10. Once cool, slice those Heavenly Hunks into squares and devour!
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Store your Heavenly Hunks in an airtight container at room temperature for up to a week. Or, if you have any willpower left, you can freeze them for longer storage.

Heavenly Hunk Bliss Achieved!

Congratulations, you’ve just created a batch of homemade Heavenly Hunks that are sure to satisfy your sweet tooth! These are perfect for a quick snack, after-school treat, or even to share with friends (but we won’t judge if you keep them all to yourself).

So grab your ingredients, preheat your oven, and get ready to bake up some heavenly goodness!

Heavenly Hunks Hacks and Twists:

We love a good base recipe, but where’s the fun without a little customization? Here are some ways to take your Heavenly Hunks to the next level:

  • Spice it Up: Add a pinch of ground cinnamon, nutmeg, or ginger to the dry ingredients for a warm and cozy flavor twist.
  • Nutty Delights: For a satisfying crunch, throw in chopped almonds, pecans, or walnuts with the chocolate chips.
  • Dried Fruit Frenzy: Craving some extra sweetness and chew? Chopped dried cranberries, raisins, or chopped dates would be fantastic additions.
  • Peanut Butter Power: Fold in 1/4 cup of creamy or crunchy peanut butter for a delightful peanut butter cup-inspired treat.
  • Chocolate Chunk Extravaganza: Ditch the chocolate chips and chop up a dark chocolate bar for a more intense chocolate experience.
  • Go Vegan: Substitute the honey with maple syrup or agave nectar, and use vegan butter instead of coconut oil for a delicious vegan version.
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Pro Tip: When adding mix-ins, keep the total quantity similar to the amount of chocolate chips used in the original recipe (around 1/2 cup).

Feel free to get creative and experiment with different flavor combinations! The beauty of homemade Heavenly Hunks is that they’re endlessly customizable.

Heavenly Hunks for Everyone:

This recipe is naturally gluten-free, making it a perfect treat for those with gluten sensitivities. However, be sure to double-check the labels of your ingredients to ensure they’re certified gluten-free if that’s a concern.

For a dairy-free option, use dairy-free chocolate chips and make sure your chosen substitute for honey is vegan.

With a few tweaks, you can whip up a batch of Heavenly Hunks that everyone can enjoy!

So there you have it! An easy-to-follow guide to bake up a batch of heavenly goodness. Now go forth and conquer your Heavenly Hunk cravings!

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Fiona Firewood
Fiona Firewood is our culinary adventurer who takes the kitchen outdoors. With a passion for open-flame cooking and campfire cuisine, Fiona's articles on ReVistaMash explore the art of cooking amidst nature. From sizzling skewers to gourmet camping recipes, Fiona invites readers to embrace the joy of al fresco dining and the unique flavors that only a campfire can impart.